Unlimited: God Made Us So We Could Love
Oct 4, 2021 1410

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil (Psalm 23:4, NKJV).
The perfect will of God is constantly thwarted by human ignorance, stupidity, carelessness, and sin. No other view seems tenable as one looks at this chaotic world. It is a consequence of God’s great gift of freedom to humanity, and without that freedom we should be puppets, rather than humans.
We are born, moreover, into a society and a world where the perfect will of God has been thwarted for ages, and we are bound up in the bundle of life with our fellows. We gain immeasurably by these relationships. We can love one another, serve, help, and influence one another; but we can also harm one another as well…
God made us so we could love and help one another.
When God made us so that we could love and help one another, he exposed his family to the possibility that they would hate and harm one another. The one goes with the other. And sin came in, with its long entail of sorrow and suffering…
But would you rather live in a world in which that couldn’t happen? Do you wish God had so made us that we could never influence each other, never be friends, never guide, comfort, or help each other . . . never love? It would be a hateful and unendurable existence, loathsome to us all. – William E. Sangster (adapted)
Reflection: God made us so we could love because he gave us free will. He didn’t make you a robot, to be forced to love God, love others, and to do the right thing. Love is always an autonomous choice. How can you choose to love in your life right now?
Love connects us to the world free of chaos and an environment of safety and freedom.
The word Love I didn't know what that word meant as a young girl coming up and shore didn't know what it meant as a young woman when you see your ma being torn down by her husband which is the father of her children 7boys and 5girls and a wonderful beautiful woman with know income of her own and to see that coming up as a youngster it took a lot away from me because no where to run or who to turn to you start to Wonder that can't be love 💕 then to watch your oldest brother get hot hot scalding water throw on his back then coming up in such a dysfunction house with this man who suppose to love my mother but did nothing but hurt my mother to the cord back then she drink Thunderbird and when I realize she was hiding her drink I say this got to stop we can't keep letting him do this to our mother but sisters and brothers won't face him so the last nerve came down I would stand up to him and take him on saying that's not love but when I got older it started to happen to me with my son father I lay wake at night waiting for morning to come and that's when I call the police and remove him from me and my children you see God sent this most beloving and wonderful man in my life my son's was 8 years old and we being together every Sense and he not only shows me he loves me he tells me every day and every night God blessed me with such a loving man and such a wonderful beautiful beloving man who my youngest son asked him to be his father so my life turns out to be the most blessed beloving women who love her family so much alright thanks to Jesus cause Jesus ❤️ will Love me and Jesus Christ talks to me and he loves me and you Always Amen
Okurut Martin
Oct 7, 2021
True and perfect love connects us to the world free of chaos and an environment of safety and freedom.