How to Find Real Love

Sep 19, 2022 1753

How to Find Real Love

How to Find Real Love

Real love. Everyone wants it, but not many end up finding it.

My life has been a journey in search of love. This is true of every person who has ever lived, regardless of gender, or when or where they lived, and even personality types.

The reason why it’s so hard to find real love is because we are all broken. You know that’s true. Just look at the relationships around you. Just look at yourself.

When you don’t have real love in your life, you try to replace it with other things that appear to satisfy, but in the end, they always let us down.

Ultimately, you can only find the truest love from the source. And the most authentic love, and indeed the source of love, is God himself.

The Bible says,

This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

Remember: That’s real love!

Elizezer Gonzalez

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