We Need Each Other

Nov 5, 2014 2900

by Des Ford

Cute cat and dogNo man is an island. We do not need John Donne, who penned that line, to assure us of that truth. Every day demonstrates it. I cannot be my own dentist, my own surgeon, my own financial expert, or even my own plumber and electrician. Most of us can’t.

We need each other. Our defects clamor for the assistance that brothers and sisters in Christ can gladly provide.

We need each other, and no life is right that is not dedicated to ministry of others’ needs. Paul made it clear in 1 Corinthians 1:12 that no one has all the gifts. That, too, is a mercy. We would be intolerable people to know if we were multigifted without compensating humility. God has done all things well, even in what he has withheld as well as what he has given.

Our greatest inadequacy, of course, is one neither blameless nor trifling – we are bereft of righteousness. And it is God’s great glory to supply our lack. The moment we sense our poverty or plead for the infinite riches of the imputed righteousness of Christ, it is done! (1 Cor 1:30; Rom 3:19-27; 5:12-19). Alleluia!

– Des Ford. Rom 8:28-39 (from “Blessed by our Inadequacies″)

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