What Constitutes Success? ­– by Bilyana de Soto

Jun 16, 2015 6750

successImagine a son or a daughter who says something like this – my father wouldn’t directly say this, but I think he’s got me right where he wants me – miserable, poor and unsuccessful. Would you not find such a view of the father very disturbing? I speak to a multitude of Christians who likewise perhaps, would never actually say these words, but without even realising it, live with this view of God in their attitude to success in life. So what is your view of your heavenly Father?

As Christians our parameters for what constitutes success clearly begins with a clear understanding of WHO I am in the eyes of my God, and how valued I am in His eyes. Of uttermost importance is that you see yourself as God sees you, and God says of you and me: “You made him little less than angels and crowned him with glory and honour…“ Ps.8:5

I would like to suggest that it is how you see yourself in the eyes of God that ultimately determines your journey as a success or a failure. I am not here to decide what success is for you, however small or large, however significant or otherwise. Most motivational experts concentrate on finances as an index to success in life. Perhaps because that is what most people want, but the ultimate question is – success in whose eyes, for how long and for what purpose?

You cannot climb a higher platform of success than the pedestal offered by God. When you’re successful in His eyes you’re successful for eternity. So begin and end your journey of success with how Jesus sees you – perfect in every way and a top achiever ready to mix it with the best for eternity. The spill over effect should not surprise you.

­– Bilyana De Soto

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