A God Who Reveals Mysteries – by Tom Durst

Nov 27, 2015 1868

Mysteriesbut there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and he has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the latter days… —Daniel 2:28 ESV

No matter what worldview, philosophy, or religion one chooses to adopt there is mystery involved.  In our Christian faith we have “the mystery of iniquity” and “the mystery of godliness.” While the Bible spells out the big picture in both of these areas there is still much mystery which makes my chosen Christian faith journey ever more wonderful and exciting.

Mostly in the Bible the word “mystery” implies something hidden or not fully revealed now but which will be unfolded to God’s children.

Fresh insights and a deep sense of God’s presence keep unfolding in my times of prayer and study.  Yes, there are many questions that I can’t answer to the satisfaction of others many times but in my own heart I find answers for which there are no words to express.

It is sort of an “all is well” kind of experience accompanied by a great sense of peace in knowing that God is ultimately in charge and that His purposes for me and for this world will be accomplished in His own time and way.  I can rest in Him knowing that nothing can ever separate me from His love (see Romans 8:31-39).

I have studied other religions and philosophies and none of them could satisfy the deepest longing of my heart.  My study of the Bible and Christian literature when I was turning 14 (1951) brought something awesome and unexplainable in human terms into my life which has only grown in wonder over these past several decades.

I truly believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is more than just “another religion” but that it contains the very power of God which transforms lives at the deepest level.  While there are indeed some good teachings in other belief systems, only in our Christian faith do we have a Savior Who gave His life for us and is ever present with His children in every time of need.

– by Tom Durst (Used with permission from the Union With God Devotional Forum)

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