The Perfect Gift – by Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 21, 2015 1644

maxresdefaultThis is the season where that part of the world that can afford it runs around trying to find the perfect gift.

What makes a perfect gift? The perfect gift should be something that you didn’t know you needed. It should be a surprise – something that the recipient would never have thought of themselves. For some people, it should be costly, or else invested with the personal love that only something hand-made can convey.

The truth is that we have already received the perfect gift. Because that tiny baby in the manger of Bethlehem was indeed perfect in every way. He had to be, so that he could be the Saviour of the world. He was perfect, so that all who look upon Him will find all that they lack.

Heaven delivered the perfect gift in a humble village in a backwater of the world, so that whatever your address, whether it be a palace or hut, it is a place to which you too can come. Heaven delivered the perfect gift unwrapped, naked upon the straw, so that there might be no barrier between you and Him. Heaven delivered the perfect gift in a tiny bundle, so that the awesomeness of that gift might not deter any person from approaching. Whether you are a shepherd or a king, you can come, and fall on your knees, and receive heaven’s perfect gift.

Because that Life that was born in Bethlehem long ago is heaven’s perfect gift for you. He was born for you, lived for you, died for you, and rose for you.

And if you will accept Him, the One who was the Child of Bethlehem will stand in your place when you are called to answer for your life. That’s why it is so wonderful that He was just so absolutely perfect – the perfect gift.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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