Despite a Million Sermons to the Contrary – by Desmond Ford

Mar 7, 2016 2538


Despite a million sermons to the contrary, the gospel is not good advice. It is Good News! Advice is about something I should do, but news concerns something already done, and done by someone else. The gospel is the Good News that, in God’s sight, sin – my sin – has been made an end of; that transgression – my transgression – is finished; that iniquity – my iniquity – has been atoned for. Everlasting righteousness has been brought in for me. (Dan. 9:24–27).

All that God requires of me for time and eternity has already been achieved by himself in the person of his Son. That achievement is credited to anyone, however vile, who believes the news. That belief always results in a subsequent Christ-centred life with intense concern for the performance of the divine will in all things.

Despite my sin and selfishness, there is no need for my trying to reconcile God. God is already reconciled, and asks us ,”Be ye reconciled.” God is offering something, not demanding something.

In our age when millions are striving after some religious experience of power or ecstasy, the Good News of a salvation objectively, historically accomplished needs to be sounded forth to all seekers. People must be reminded that their acceptance with God does not depend upon anything other than appropriation of what Christ has done. This appropriation will change me, but am not accepted because of that change, nor am I rejected because the change may be slow and very incomplete in the here and now.

I need not be anxious about what God thinks of me, but only what God thinks of Christ, my Substitute. I am not to blaspheme his grace by thinking that I must be free from sin before trusting his power to save. I must come to him, just as I am – sinful, helpless, and dependent.

– Des Ford. Rom 8:27-32. Adapted from “Good News in Daniel’s Prophecy.”

Eliezer Gonzalez

Mar 8, 2016

God bless you Pauline! Isn't the Gospel a wonderful thing to share! The best news in the world! – Eliezer

Pauline lubega

Mar 8, 2016

I have never see God! How can I believe? Yet I have all good reason to believe and to be sure that , surely I have a heavenly father and I have a savoir too. I have read the Bible through, yet it took me ages to even understanding. I was baptized at the age of 14 years. I went to church every Sabbath for 52 years. I thank my mothers God, whom kept me well and safe , while in my my ignorance. In the end I came to found out that really God is real and Christ died for me, being the only way for mankind. The short cut to be sure of My heavenly father and my savoir is through. Heartfelt prayer ?, scripture reading the bible and holding on to sincerely hold fast to faith that for sure there is a god. Our creator. I know now for sure without a doubt . That I have a father and a savoir. I feel the holy spirit, whenever I. Am humbled and prayerful. The scriptures read me further. Dr. Ford you have made me fond of the scriptures. I thought I knew enough, I was wrong. I need to feed my spiritual body daily. You are my hero. You are led by the spirit of God. I have just read The book of Exodus 33, where Gid is harmonizing with Moses. To me you are Moses reading God's children home. Amen for now. Love Pauline I

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