Unlimited: Beyond the Walls

Mar 26, 2025 2152

Unlimited: Beyond the Walls

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15, NIV).

Have you noticed how all the best stuff in the Bible happens beyond the walls?

The best stuff happens when Jesus goes beyond the borders of Judaea, and even the borders of Israel (Luke 8:26–39; Matt 16:21–28). But it wasn’t just geographical boundaries that Jesus crossed.

The best stuff happened beyond the moral walls of Christ’s society, when he asked for a tomb to be opened, when he touched the sick, when he ate and drank with tax collectors and sinners, and when he forgave those who deserved no forgiveness.

The ministry of Jesus Christ, except for the final week, all happened beyond the walls of Jerusalem. And it was beyond the walls that Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 13:12) that gives eternal life to all who believe. It was beyond the walls that he rose again in power for all who accept him today.

The risen Lord commanded his followers to “Go” into all the world, and not stay within the walls. If church exists only inside buildings, and not with our communities, then we have failed in our mission.

Let’s start praying over our cities and towns. Let’s bring the Good News to the places and the communities where its healing and transforming grace is most needed – beyond the walls.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: We all build walls, separating us from others and from the “best stuff” that happens out there. Get a piece of paper, pray for insight, and make a list of walls that you have been building in your life. Do something today that even in a small way, breaks down one of those walls.

Help Spread the Good News

Bro. John S. Kerkulah

Apr 5, 2020

God himself demonstrated his love by giving son Jesus Christ to died for us.therefore,we believers need to work every day to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Mar 26, 2020

Sad to say and it really just happen, that many of us do not take the responsibility to spread His words outside the church, but GOD is able right. He will always find a way and gives people chance to know that He is GOD that died on the cross for our sin. To GOD be all the glory and honor.

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