A Cure For The Paralysis of Fear – Desmond Ford
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Sep 6, 2016 3286
The only reason we are here is to become like God and to minister like God. So service is ministry. We are here to convey God to the world and we must understand this privilege.
God whispers to you and me, “Look, going your own way won’t get you anywhere, being selfish won’t get you anywhere, living a life of self indulgence won’t get you anywhere. Sin does not work. Sin is folly, sin is suicide.”
When God tells us to change our ways, it does not add anything to him, but it adds a lot to us. Because sin is suicide, the way of God is the way of life, the tree of righteousness. The way of God is life to all who will take hold of it. So everything that God tells me is for my benefit. We must work for the Master, and not for ourselves.
When we work for ourselves, it is because we fear.
There is a type of fear that is right, but there are many kinds of fears that are not legitimate.
Fear paralyses. Of course, there is a type of fear that is right. We should fear sin. We should fear lest we fall short of our privileges and obligations. That fear is legitimate, but there are many fears that are not legitimate. Most of our fears are not in that legitimate category.
Most of our fears are that we think that the world will do us in. Most of our fears are that something is going to spring on us like a lion in the dark taking its prey. Those fears are commonplace with all of humanity and they grow out of the fact that we are not sure that God is going to care for us. We are not certain that God cares about this problem that I have: financial, physical, family, reputation, employment.
These are the kinds of fears that cause us to work for ourselves and not for God. Because we doubt the goodness of God, we fear. The more we come to believe in the goodness of God, the less we will fear. Remember that we serve the God who said:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine (Isaiah 43:1).
– Des Ford
A cure For The Paralysis of Fear - By Dr. Desmond Ford. What builds ones faith or obedience to our Heavenly father and his Son Jesus Christ, our redeemer , comes only for our knowledge of whom they are, especially to us. I always go back to scriptures. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. Genesis.1:27 such scripture. encourages me to endure and to try and, resist evil, try and endure. Having the knowledge that I was created in the image of my heavenly father. And the Lord commanded the man saying, of the tree of the garden you may freely eat: But the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. Genesis 2:16-17 (after this we know that man failed and sin begun in the garden of Eden as we all know) But man was still in the image of God and still loved. How can I fear. our heavenly has made so many promise. But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run ? and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 Therefore need to testify of these promises. We need to reach out to others and tell them that Christ rose from the dead. He endured for our sake. We have to be immersed in his love I sin daily, but I trust that my savior lives, and that I can go to him in pray. I love my fellow men. I love my family. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world . James 1:27 Again brothers and sisters. ..........Therefore submit to God, Resist the devil and he will free from you. Thank you Dr. Desmond Ford. Thank you Goodnewsunlimited. Amen ?
Tony Weathers
Aug 31, 2017
Man, you guys are great. I'm so thankful for your insights.