About GNU

Good News Unlimited is a Christian media content ministry whose mission is to spread the Word like wildfire through simple gospel content.
Reaching the world for Jesus isn’t complicated. Because we know that it takes more than just hearing the Word but understanding it too, our purpose is simple: to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world urgently and effectively. And that means in ways that are easy to receive and fast to understand, without complication or confusion. All so people can understand it faster and start living a life that’s liberated and set free.
Millions do not yet know Jesus Christ as Lord. Our purpose at GNU is, therefore, urgent. We must work fast to have the pure and uncomplicated message of the gospel known among the nations.
In partnership with local churches and ministries, we’re intentionally unencumbered by institutional processes that would limit the ability to reach lives, nor do we confuse the Word through barriers of heavy tradition and ritual. Using resources designed for mass reach, rapid multiplication, and local use, we exist to share the pure, living truth of the gospel of Jesus with those who are waiting to hear, no matter where they are.
Who We Are
Good News Unlimited was born from the desire of like-minded Christians to enjoy fellowship based on Biblical principles, free from the politics and constraints of more formal religions. A non-profit ministry, it was originally established in California in 1980, but quickly spread through an informal network, producing regular taped sermons and a magazine, and sponsoring regular speaking seminars by Desmond Ford in various countries.
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What We Do
Have you ever wondered why Christianity sometimes seems so complicated? Why is it that sometimes being a believer in Jesus Christ seems all too difficult?
Good News Unlimited does not represent a church; we simply represent the truth of the gospel; we represent what’s alive and active. There’s power and freedom in it. It can’t be held back. No boundaries; no limitations. And so it spreads fast.
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The Values of Good News Unlimited
These are the values of Good News Unlimited. We belong to many different countries, cultures, and churches. We are united in our choice to make the gospel of Christ and him crucified the centre, purpose and mission of our lives. In our personal lives we will seek a continually closer relationship with Christ so that this may become a reality.
As individuals and as a ministry, we acknowledge that we are all sinners saved by grace, and as such we still fail to serve God perfectly. In spite of this, the love that Christ has poured out for us at Calvary compels us, through his Spirit, to strive to reflect these values in both word and deed.
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Mission & Belief
We believe in Christ alone, received by faith alone, through grace alone because of the blood of Christ alone as taught in the only infallible guide of truth – the Bible alone. Other than that, Good News Unlimited has no creed.
As a transdenominational Christian ministry, we believe in the church universal, spread throughout the whole world. We encourage Christians to attend and actively participate in their local Christian churches, wherever the gospel is preached.
We practice the dictum of the early church:
“In essentials unity, in nonessentials liberty, in all things charity.”
The ministry of Good News Unlimited (GNU) was begun in late 1980 in northern California by an evangelist and theologian whose message and whose reach transcended the boundaries of Christian denominations – Dr Desmond Ford.
Through his clear and life-changing presentations of the central gospel message, and through his insistence in uplifting Jesus Christ as the centre of all truth and life, Des was able to reach untold numbers of people with the gospel, largely through radio and print media. In those early years, Dr Ford oversaw the establishment of affiliated Good News Unlimited ministries in the USA, Canada, Australia and in New Zealand.
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