The Values of Good News Unlimited

These are the values of Good News Unlimited. We belong to many different countries, cultures, and churches. We are united in our choice to make the gospel of Christ and him crucified the centre, purpose and mission of our lives. In our personal lives we will seek a continually closer relationship with Christ so that this may become a reality.
As individuals and as a ministry, we acknowledge that we are all sinners saved by grace, and as such we still fail to serve God perfectly. In spite of this, the love that Christ has poured out for us at Calvary compels us, through his Spirit, to strive to reflect these values in both word and deed.
Strong Integrity
We will keep no secrets. We will have no secrets in relation to our ministry, nor among ourselves. We will be open and honest in all things, including but not limited to our legislative and compliance responsibilities. We will be unafraid to admit when we are wrong, to apologise, and as far as is possible, make amends. As a ministry, whether we stand or fall, we will not betray the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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We will serve as Jesus served, without expecting anything in return. We will not be puffed up by success, nor stopped by difficulties. If we are called to suffer, we will trust in Jesus, recognising that we are called to be only servants in his kingdom.
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We will do what we say and say what we do. We will be trustworthy in everything. We will faithfully ensure that all of the resources that come into our ministry, in whatever form they may be, are used to spread the word of the gospel as quickly, effectively and efficiently as possible.
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We will recognise our personal need of grace, and that we are called to share grace. We seek forgiveness when we offend and we will live in such a way that people will not be afraid to approach us if we have offended them. We will readily and fully forgive, and we will go out of our way to be peacemakers. Our dealings with others will be non-judgmental, seasoned with respect and guided by love.
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We will seek only the glory of God. We will recognise that God owes us nothing, and we will seek the good of others instead of our own. We will not take offense when challenged by others; instead we will listen and be teachable. As a faith ministry, we will have yielding hearts to both the correction and direction of God.
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