Be A Donkey Person

Feb 16, 2017 2762

Radio Version:

Be A Donkey Person

Animal lovers often seem to fall into two kinds: dog people and cat people. Me, I’m a dog person.

But have you thought about being a donkey person? Let me explain.

In the story that Jesus told about the Good Samaritan, two religious leaders walk by a wounded man lying by the side of the road, But, a Samaritan man stops, and looks after the wounded man. He puts him on his donkey and takes him to where he can get help.

Jesus teaches us that our donkeys are meant for serving others. Jesus says that a good neighbour will use what they’ve got to help someone else – including their donkey.

So, take a look around? What’s your donkey? How can you use what you’ve got to serve others today?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Be a Donkey Person

How can you use what you’ve got to serve others today?

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