Be Sure To Know What Money Can’t By – by Bilyana de Soto
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Dec 2, 2015 3373

J.P. Morgan in 1882
Have you heard the story of J.P. Morgan and the will that he left?
When the multimillionaire financier died in 1913, flags on Wall Street flew at half-staff, an honour usually reserved for heads of state. The stock market closed for two hours when his body passed through New York City. He was a man of influence and earned much respect for his wise financial decisions that affected the world economy of his time.
When J.P. Morgan died, he left a will that contained 10,000 words and 37 articles. However he made sure that one transaction stood out far above others:
I commit my soul to the hands of my Saviour, in full confidence that, having redeemed me and washed me with His most precious blood, He will present me faultless before the throne of my heavenly father.
I entreat my children to maintain and defend, at all hazard, and at any personal sacrifice, the blessed doctrine of complete atonement for sins through the blood of Jesus Christ, and through that alone.
J.P. Morgan knew that the name of the game of life was not the slogan ‘He who dies with most toys wins’. It’s vital to know what money can and can’t buy.
Money can buy an education but not wisdom, money can buy sex but not love, it can buy a hospital bed but not health.
J.P. Morgan knew that the price for his peace was paid by the precious blood of Jesus. He knew that no money can buy a redemption ticket to eternal life. That is the gift of God to all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That’s good news indeed.
– Bilyana De Soto
Very true, inspirational grateful to a God given Ideals
Ricksie Agopie
Oct 18, 2019
Amen and Amen ! Inspired, yes it is the Holy Blood of Jesus Christ, the son of living God is the only ticket to eternal home after this life