Changing From a Worrier into a Warrior

Aug 24, 2014 2369

warrior for Godby Bilyana de Soto

For most of us life is full of endless concerns stemming from the absence of certainty and control over our future. In fact I think worry is proportional to our sense of security. Worrying is destructive to us in many ways. It becomes a mental burden that can even cause us to grow physically sick.

When I think back,I see how much time I’ve wasted in my life worrying. I dare not quantify the hours. I’ve worried about grades in school, job interviews, approaching deadlines and shrinking budgets, health, relationships, global issues but to name a few. I’ve had countless sleepless nights over events and circumstances that now I can’t even recall. But at the time it seemed like a life or death matter. I’ve even worried about having my home in perfect condition for special occasions but within a short time of the arrival of little and big feet, the house was turned upside down and no one even noticed.

Listen to what Jesus has to say to all of us ‘worriers’ “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’… For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.” Matt. 6:31–33

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Pet 5:7

Being at peace is one of the fruits of the Spirit. When you are strong in your faith, when you know God loves you and has provided for you not only for this life but for eternity, then you find peace in your life. Paradoxically though, it is when you come into that peace which passes knowledge and understanding, that instead of being a worrier you become an effective warrior and a conqueror over worries.

Bilyana De Soto

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