Christian Life Article Issues From 49 – 56
- Bible
- Bible study
- Christian Evidences
- Christian Living
- Christianity
- Dr Desmond Ford
- Faith
- Glory
- Gospel
- Grace
- Jesus
- Prayer
Sep 20, 2014 1895
Series of Christian Life article issues written by Dr Desmond Ford
Issue No 49
Title: Christ’s Recipe For Lasting Happiness Part TwoExcerpt:
Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside” (Mt 5:1).
Issue No 50
Title: Christ’s Recipe For Lasting Happiness Part ThreeExcerpt:
All the later beatitudes grow out of the preceding ones.
Issue No 51
Title: Introduction To ProverbsExcerpt:
For years, Dr. Billy Graham has read a chapter of proverbs as part of his daily devotions. He completes the whole book each month. (Proverbs has thirty-one chapters.) In as much as Christians sometimes are not worldly-wise, Dr. Graham’s example is worthy of emulation.
Issue No 52
Title: Are You a Worry Wart?Excerpt:
For many, it is a worse health threat than cholesterol. It can weaken your efforts, spoil your sleep and digestion, rob you of joy, and turn your hair gray. Are you a worrier? Is that your problem? If so, you have plenty of company – me, for one.
Issue No 53
Title: Wisdom for Worry WartsExcerpt:
We’re standing, this very moment, at the meeting place of two eternities. There is the vast past behind us. There’s the infinite future ahead of us.
Issue No 54
Title: A Tithe of ThanksExcerpt:
Two angels set out from heaven, each with a basket to bring back the prayers and thanksgiving of those on earth.
Issue No 55
Title: A Beginning of Wisdom: How to Study the Whole BibleExcerpt:
An intensive weekend Bible School teaches us that the Bible isfully trustworthy in its revelation of God, the gospel, and salvation.
Issue No 56
Title: How to Do Theology Part ThreeExcerpt:
Many read into the Bible what they want to find. The secret is to get from the Bible what it truly says. This is exegesis, and requires a knowledge of hermeneutics, first meaning, church history, philosophy, and biography.
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