Counted Sinless In Christ – by Desmond Ford

Mar 30, 2016 2370


There is a remarkable statement by God in 1 Kings 14:8,

My servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes.

How could God say that when David had broken the sixth and seventh commandments?

David repented. And when we repent, God casts our sins into the depths of the seas; as far away as the east is from the west, God removes our transgressions from us. The God who could say of sinful David, ‘my servant David, who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes’ – that God counts us as sinless for Christ’s sake, when we trust in the Saviour.

Jesus told his disciples, ‘You are already clean’ (Jn 15:3). Two chapters earlier we find them far from clean: they are wrangling as to who would be greatest, and refusing to wash one another’s feet. Jesus washed their feet, and pronounced, ‘You are clean’ (Jn 13:10). Later, in prayer, he tells the Father, ‘They have obeyed your word’ (Jn 17:6).

God looks at us through the cross. God looks at the broken law through the bloodstained mercy seat.

Though you and I are, in fact, far from clean; though we have failed in so many ways to keep the word of God; yet God – for Christ’s sake – says of us, ‘You are clean. You have obeyed my word.’

We are ‘accepted in the Beloved’ (Eph 1:6 KJV). We are ‘complete in him’ (Col 2:10 KJV). That is the gospel.

Christ’s perfection, not ours, is the basis of our acceptance. We are saved by works, by perfect works – but they are not our own. They are the perfect works of Christ.

– Des Ford. Rom 8:27-32. Adapted from “How Perfect is Perfect?”


Mar 31, 2016

Counted sinless in Christ: By Dr. Desmond ford. I have always fetched courage from these great individual mentioned from the Bible, David, Moses, Abraham, and others. Even Jacob, with whom Israel is blessed. They show how all have sinned and came short of God's glory, yet perfect I'm the beloved. , We can never enjoy imperfection , but have courage to turn away from our sinful nature through faith in Christ. Therefore we need to cling on doing what is right, even when evil comes our way. Confess, and hold on to what is right . He is ready to forgive. These human being turned away from their weaknesses. 1 Samuel 16:7. God sees man through his heart and not his appearance. He will know of our intentions and will forgive. Thank you Dr. Ford for encouraging sinners to come at the throne of mercy with broken heart through Christ. Amen Love in Christ Jesus Pauline

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