The Only Way to Overcome Our Besetting Sins

Feb 27, 2014 2579

This week Dr Desmond Ford and Dr Eliezer Gonzalez will present a gospels sermon from 2.30pm.

Our program will be as follows:
12.30pm: BYO Lunch
1.15pm: Bible discussion
2.15pm – Live Broadcast begins: Gospel music by Duncan Wood and Caroline Taylor-Knight
2.30pm – Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
Topic: The Foundation of the Church: How to Be Rock-Solid in a Wishy-Washy World

You often hear people say all religions are the same? Are they? What is it that sets Christianity apart from every other religion on earth? Is it that Christians have a better prophet? Is it that Christians have better teachings? Is it that Christians have tradition on their side?

In this short devotional, Eliezer will reveal the fundamental truth that Christianity is based on, that launched the Christian movement, and that can give your life absolute certainty as well.

2.45pm – Dr Des Ford
Topic: The Only Way to Overcome Our Besetting Sins

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