From Eliezer To You

Feb 17, 2015 2203

eliI’m going to tell you something about myself. It’s not flattering but it’s true.

I come from a background of a deep sense of worthlessness. Sometimes when my wonderful wife said, “I love you”, I would instinctively reply, “Why?” So I am really scratching my head about GNU. Why is God blessing the ministry of GNU so prodigiously?

I don’t believe it’s due to good management, good planning or talented people. It is certainly not an abundance of resources.

I believe God is blessing GNU because it is his work. We don’t own the gospel, but we do work for the One who does.

And, I believe that God is blessing GNU because of you. So when God sees his blood-bought children rise up together to spread the gospel by every means, he is well pleased.

Thank you, thank you, thank you in Jesus’ name for your incredible support. God blesses us through you, and he is making us together to be a blessing to all nations through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Knowing what we know, we shouldn’t ask “why?” Instead we should ask “why not?”

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