Fear Not Tomorrow for God is Already There

Jul 24, 2014 2678

“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.“  – 2 Timothy 1:7

Do not be afraidBilly Graham’s daughter, Ruth Graham has written a fabulous book ‘Fear Not Tomorrow for God is Already There’.  In it she leads us to shift our focus away from ourselves, from our traumatising fears and to turn to God. I like how Ruth described fear. “Fear takes the air out of life. When we live with fear, we lose our capacity for fun and spontaneity. We struggle to love others whole heartedly….Sometimes we experience fear as torment. Torment is not God’s will for us. God is committed to our peace.”

The “spirit of fear” that we read of in 2 Timothy 1:7 is that all pervasive condition or attitude that takes hold of our feelings and consumes and cripples us. That’s the fear from which we need to be free.  Though we may never be totally free from heartache, depression, betrayal, rejection, anxiety and fear, in Jesus Christ we are promised victory over their reign of terror.        “For sin shall no longer be your master…“  Rom 6:14 Why?  Because in Christ we are under grace! Under the banner of the faithfulness and the goodness of God!.  Saved by grace is our only hope.

“Of His fullness have we all received, grace upon grace.”

John 1:16

Bilyana De Soto

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