God Claims Souls for the Kingdom in Ukraine and Georgia

Aug 3, 2018 1134

God Claims Souls for the Kingdom in Ukraine and Georgia

Recently I travelled to the countries of Ukraine and Georgia, where I had the opportunity to share the Gospel through public meetings. As a result, 7 people were baptised, with up to 15 more yet to be baptised. Ukraine and Georgia face different challenges.

As Ukrainian society has become increasingly materialistic in recent years, it has become correspondingly harder to attract people to the Gospel of Jesus. In Azerbaijan, the main challenge is the exceptionally strong local culture, which makes it very difficult for people to embrace new ways of seeing themselves and the world around them.

In Georgia, I also had the opportunity to teach Christian pastors from surrounding Islamic countries (such as Azerbaijan) how to present Christianity and the Gospel within their local communities. We dealt with topics such as the authority of the Bible and the Quran, and the divinity of Jesus Christ. These pastors were themselves already very knowledgeable in the issues, as you can imagine.

By the grace of God, my aim was to support them, affirm their faith and give them a few more tools to use in winning souls for Christ. – Eliezer Gonzalez

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