What God is Like
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Oct 30, 2014 3371
by Des Ford
It is the Calvary story that tells us about the true God. Christ hanging on the cross is the gospel. If you want to know the gospel, go to Calvary.
It is at Calvary that we see a God whose nature is giving. God giving his robe to those who crucify and kill him; God giving Paradise to the penitent thief. (The best theft of that man’s life was when he stole Paradise and God laughed and the angels cheered.) A God like that-who gives and gives to his enemies-is not hard to pray to.
Here is a God who could say to a woman taken in adultery, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” John 8: 11 KJV) A God who could take little children in his arms and bless them. A God who could send a message to brokenhearted Peter. “Go, tell his disciples and Peter” (Mark 16:7 NIV)
Des Ford. Rom 8:28-39 (from “The Marvel and Mystery of Prayer – 3″)
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