God, the Giver of Songs in the Night – by Bilyana de Soto

Jan 26, 2016 2270

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 3.40.20 PMThose of us who have notched up a few years on the speedometer of life, have lived long enough to know that heartache, disappointment, doubt, anxiety, pain and sheer helplessness are inescapable night seasons of life. We face nights of all kinds which alarm and burden our spirit, and frankly at times, terrify our world.

It is easy to praise God when the sun is shining and the harvests are plentiful. But when sorrows like sea billows roll and ominous clouds thunder in ill-fated news, who is it that you turn to for a song in the night?

The sweetest songs often come from darkest nights. Habakkuk sang:

Though the fig-tree shall not blossom… and so on,

“yet will I trust in the Lord, and stay myself in the God of Jacob. (Habakkuk 3:17-19)

God writes some of His sweetest music on bruised hearts.

Thomas Andrew Dorsey was a black jazz musician from Atlanta, whom most credit with revolutionizing sacred church music and bringing in a new genre of music: gospel.

In 1932, while in Indianapolis organizing a choir, Dorsey received tragic news that his wife and son died in childbirth. Dorsey was so filled with grief that his faith was shaken to the roots But instead of indulging and wallowing in self-pity, he turned to writing one of the most beautiful songs borne out of sorrow, and named it “Peace in the Valley’:

Precious Lord, take my hand,
Lead me on, let me stand.
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn.
Through the storm, through the night,
Lead me on to the light;                                                                                                  Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home.

It is good for you to run to the Lord in the nights of your life and ask Him to give you a song. Our God is a musician extraordinaire.

– Bilyana De Soto

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