God Works. We Rest. Why Do We Think It’s Hard Work?
May 19, 2014 3178
When at the end of God’s creation week God completed his earth project, he handed it over to Adam and Eve. God worked then he gave a finished work to us to enjoy.
When the first Sabbath came to earth, only God had worked the six previous days. God had finished His work and as He contemplated it, He found it “very good.” God states this very modestly, for the earth and what He had made must have been surpassingly beautiful when he handed it over to Adam and Eve.
When Christ died on the cross, His final words were “It is finished” (Jn 19:30) and God declared that Jesus was His Son in whom He was well pleased. God worked out my salvation and handed over to us a perfect work. When Christ died, we died. When Christ rose, we rose with Him. Seated with Christ at the right hand of God and in Him in heavenly places. (Eph. 2:6) Already, the true believer belongs to the new creation, for in Christ, we are a new creation. When salvation is given to us it is perfectly complete and impossible to add to in any way by us.
Christ promised that He has gone to prepare a place for us and that He will come to get us when all is finished. In Revelation 21 where John sees “a new heaven and a new earth…” that eternal scene of new creation will rest on the work of redemption wrought out by the Son of God upon the cross and eternity will be an ‘unfinishable’ joy we inherit.
Why do we think it’s hard work? Because mistakenly we think it’s work rather than rest.
Bilyana De Soto
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