The Good News Unlimited Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 4 April 1982

Sep 12, 2014 1919

Exasperating Grace

by Noel Mason 


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As I was listening to a sermon recently the pastor was commenting on the twenty-third Psalm. As he read the fifth verse it struck me as being a very apt description of what life is like. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Most of us go through life finding it to be a mixture of well-prepared tables and enemies that threaten us from near or far.

Last night I was sitting on a plane and beside me was a young lady who was very distressed. Her plane was late leaving New York and consequently she missed her connection in Denver to Monterey. Now she was flying to Sacramento, then to San Francisco to stay overnight (at her own expense) and then hopefully on the Monterey the next day. It was approaching midnight and she still had several hours of flying ahead of her. Her language was a little stronger than I would like to repeat here, but the essenses of it was, “I’m mad at this airline, they could have been much more helpful.”

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