Good News Unlimited Prepares to Broadcast
Apr 30, 2014 1764
In order to take the good news of Jesus Christ to the world, we are planning a range of initiatives to spread the Word fast.
One of these initiatives is to start broadcasting the message of the gospel on the radio far and wide.
Our plan is to start in Australia and then to broaden our reach internationally through this medium. This is not unfamiliar territory to Good News Unlimited For many years Dr Desmond Ford was a familiar voice on Christian radio stations in North America, and then for a time Des was also on radio in Australia.
As a first step Good News Unlimited has prepared these 1 min radio spots as samples of what we can offer. Dr Ford, Elenne Ford (his daughter) and I, all recorded some samples. These are the actual videos of the moment we filmed the radio recordings, and we weren’t really focused on the camera. but the videos didn’t turn out too bad at all.
Soon we will be meeting with Station Managers of Christian radio networks from around the country, and we will be discussing with them what we can offer. We will be using this audio as samples. Please pray for us so that the Lord of the Gospel will help us to increase our reach for the Gospel.
Take a listen to these 1 min spots and tell us what you think. Here are the samples:
Des Ford – Pursuing the Second Best
Elenne Ford – All Things Work Together
Eliezer Gonzalez – Is Paul McCartney Good Enough?
Eliezer Gonzalez – The Fight to be Right
Eliezer Gonzalez
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