How the Sickness Mr Jayaraj Thought Would Kill Him Saved His Life

Aug 17, 2023 1612

How the Sickness Mr Jayaraj Thought Would Kill Him Saved His Life

Mr Jayaraj is 45 years old and lives in the village of Venanapudi, India. He was brought up in the Roman Catholic Church and had been doing all the traditions. But in his life there were many problems. He married and had two daughters. After a few years his wife left him alone and she went away with their two daughters. Then he did not know what to do. He lost his faith in Roman Catholicism and he did labour work and fishing in the rivers.

One day he became seriously sick and no one was there to look after him and to take him to the hospital. So he went to the doctor and got medicines and rested in his house alone. He was in distress and did not know what to do. The doctor told him not to go to work for a few months. So he had no food to eat. He was unable to cook by himself.

One day in the early morning hours he put on the TV and watched the GNU TV Programme. The Holy Gospel touched his heart and he started praying alone in the house.

“It is Jesus who made me well and healed me from my sickness and strengthened me in my weakness.”

One day I went to his village to preach the Holy Gospel and he asked me to come and pray over him. Then I went to him and shared the Holy Gospel and prayed for his sickness. Then he started crying and shared with me about his life.

Then I asked him to come to the Blessy Old Age Care Centre. He happily came and he has been staying there. He accepted Jesus and is daily praying and hearing the Holy Gospel. Now he is happy in Christ Jesus.

He still has no connection with his wife and daughters. He has been interested to do the work of God and he wants to preach the Holy Gospel in nearby villages.

He says,

When I was sick I thought that I would die and no longer live here on earth. So it is Jesus who made me well and healed me from my sickness and strengthened me in my weakness. When I watched the GNU TV Programme my life changed and I accepted Jesus into my life. Now I am so happy in Christ.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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