Will Anyone “Just Squeeze” into Heaven?
Jul 31, 2017 7559
I used to say, before I knew better, that I would be happy if I just made it into heaven as the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem were closing, and if were only just to squeeze through. But now I know that was a terrible thing to say! It reflects very poorly on our amazing God! I used to say that before I understood the grace of God.
Not one of the saved will just “squeeze” into heaven! Not one! God would never allow such a thing! Instead, look at what the apostle Peter tells us:
God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Pet 1:11, TLB).
This is God’s promise to you. A “grand entrance” means that the gates of heaven will be flung wide, angels will line the way and sing, and there will be shouts of joy are you enter in. No one will just “sneak” into heaven as if they didn’t belong there!
But here’s a question. If the gates of heaven will be flung wide, then why did Jesus say,
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it (Matt 7:13–15, NIV)?
Some people have used this passage to argue for the exclusivity and difficulty of salvation, and say that only a very small group of people will be saved. What was Jesus saying here?
He talks about a gate. What is this gate? Or better still, who is this gate? Jesus gives us the answer:
I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved (John 10:9, NIV).
The gate is Jesus Christ. The gate is described as being small because the gate represents a man. Yes, it is the God-man Jesus, but it is still a man. It is through this man that salvation comes. It isn’t called a narrow gate because it’s hard to get in, but because there’s only one way in. Christianity is an exclusive religion. Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ:
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12, NIV).
No one will just “sneak” into heaven as if they didn’t belong there!
But that doesn’t mean that it’s difficult to be saved, in fact, if we have found Jesus Christ and enter into salvation through him, it’s the easiest thing in the world! What the Bible emphasizes, from beginning to end, is the breadth of God’s mercy, shown to us through Christ! (Eph 3:18–19). Whoever believes in him will be saved! (John 3:16). While Christianity is exclusive in its means of salvation, salvation itself is inclusive.
That’s why I’m absolutely certain that no one will just make it into heaven. No one will just squeeze in. I know that because that’s now what God is like. He throws the gates of heaven open wide, so that all who wish to, may enter in (Rev 22:17), and he will give you a grand entrance into Christ’s eternal kingdom. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Thank you for sharing your heart, Tom. And praise God that I have a new and greater understanding of his love!
Yes, salvation is only through Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12). However, a great multitude such as no one can number who have never heard the name of Jesus or His gospel will indeed be in the Kingdom of Heaven. Since Jesus is THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD and gives some light to everyone at some point in their life (John 1:9). Since God is Infinite in all of His ways and beyond our comprehension we shouldn't attempt to understand all of it. I can testify that in my own life long before I ever read the Bible or heard a gospel presentation light was coming to me in many ways. I would look at the stars at night and know in my heart that there had to be a Creator God behind all of that. I would look at the graveside services in the cemetery across the street from my home and wonder what happened after people died. At some point in my childhood years I had a wonderful vision which opened up to me the wonders of God's love but I still had never specifically heard the gospel during all of this time. If I had died in my early years it would still have been through Jesus Christ. Some people choose to turn away from the light that comes to them and choose darkness. These condemn themselves by their choice to reject or even neglect whatever light comes to them (John 3:14-21). Be SURE to carefully read all of these Bible verses as they are very plain and powerful; they will speak to your heart as you study this topic more carefully: I appeal to you to pick up your Bible and very prayerfully consider 1 Samuel 16:7; Psalms 33:15; 44:21; 87:4-6; John 1:9 and Acts 10:35. Especially take note of Psalm 87:4-6 and Acts 10:35.
Hi Ursula – Thanks for the feedback. No, I didn't mean it that way, and yes, I do understand it the same way as you express it here. Christianity is exclusive in that salvation is only through Jesus, i.e. because of what he has done. Not through works, or the Buddha, or any other means. That's what I mean. However, Christianity is inclusive because the love of God is wider, deeper, and broader than anyone could ever imagine. I think we will have many surprises in heaven. Grace and peace. Eliezer.
Hello Eliezer, One of the rasons I enjoy Des Ford and his ministry so much is because of his emphasis of Gods Love revealed through Jesus Christ; and salvation comes only through Christ. In the above blog, you state rightly that Jesus is the gate, the only gate. Then you write that "... isn’t called a narrow gate because it’s hard to get in, but because there’s only one way in. Christianity is an exclusive religion. Salvation comes only through Jesus Christ: Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12, NIV).at Jesus is the gate. " The above two sentences, one right after the other without further explanation what you mean when you say Christianity is an exclusive religion, while Christ's salvation is inclusive, to me confusing. One way it could be interpreted would be to say that first you need to belong to the exclusive religion of Christianity and then, through Jesus Christ you find inclusion in his salvation. I hope you didn't mean it that way. I believe that there are people who have received Jesus' salvation without formally taking on the Christian religion, and also that there will be those entering the those pearly gates who've never even heard of Christ, but have lived Christ-like lifes, and now they get to meet the one for whom they longed in their heart. What do you think? I'd love to hear back from you. Thank you! Ursula
That's a wonderful ambition for your life, Carl!
Want to know the secret to allow the almighty in me, to rull me every second of my live completely. That I will be overflowing with His love so that He can be gloryfied
Joseph, that is wonderful! If you ask God, he will come come close to you. He has promised to do that.
I really want to come more close to God Almighty
Me too! Be blessed, Ruth!
I really enjoy reading the word every day, it inspires me to keep jesus, in my life and share his word
Andrew Gardia
Mar 3, 2018
Jesus is the only way out of earth .. ..to heaven .