Inspiring Story: Lives Transformed At The Chicken Farm – India

Mar 17, 2017 1645

Lives Transformed at the Chicken Farm

Pr Joseph blesses the people at one of the meetings in Srinivasapuram.

A Hindu man who has been inspired by seeing the Good News Children’s Care Centre activities, and the work we have been doing, contacted me. He asked me to conduct a Gospel Evangelism on his land in the village of Srinivasapuram, India, where he is going to start a hen farm. So, going to all the surrounding villages, we invited people and their relatives and friends to these meetings. It was to be the first Gospel meeting in that area.

By the grace of God, many people came and the meetings went well. There were many Hindu people who came and learned about Jesus and accepted him. Fifty people accepted Jesus into their lives. These are some of the people:

Ratna was born a Hindu and had never heard about Jesus. She came to the Gospel Evangelism meeting and accepted Jesus. She said,

It is Jesus who has changed my life and stopped all my idol worship.

Bushu was born a Hindu. She had been worshiping idols and had many family problems. She said,

It is Jesus who gave me peace in my life today through GNU’s Gospel Evangelism. 

Ramudu was also a Hindu man who was born into a Hindu family. He said,

Through this Gospel Evangelism I came to know about Jesus and my life has changed a lot. I accepted Jesus into my life.

Dana was born into a family that worshiped idols. She said,

I had never heard about Jesus before, but now the Gospel has changed my life.

Fabra Rao was a man who was addicted to alcohol and his whole family suffered a lot. He said,

It is the holy Gospel that changed my way of life. I have stopped drinking and now I am so inspired by the holy Gospel preaching of GNU and I have heard about Jesus. So I decided to accept Jesus into my life. 

– Pr Joseph Usala

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