Is Christianity Hindering Human Progress?

Mar 11, 2014 2728

religion is hindering human progress and will one day be as unacceptable as racism.

Christians are sometimes accused of being backward and ignorant, especially by the militant “new atheists.”


Here are five facts of history:

  1. Modern science as we know it is essentially the result of the Christian message. Every founder of every major branch of modern science was a Bible-believing Christian.
  2. Modern medicine as we know it is essentially the result of the Christian message. Hospitals themselves were a Christian “invention” in response to the healing ministry of Jesus.
  3. Modern education as we know it is essentially the result of the Christian message. The concept of the university itself, and the great early universities of Europe, were all created in response to the Christian message that, as revealed by Jesus Christ, God was both knowable and rational, and so was his creation.
  4. The concept of “atheism” was only possible because of the Christian message of human free will and liberty. Before Christ, although some people chose to mock or ignore the gods, there was no philosophical option to be an atheist. “Atheism” exists because of Christianity.
  5. Therefore, western civilisation as we know it today is essentially the result of the Christian message.

That last statement, though verifiably true, is not likely to have much support from non-Christians, and is probably surprising to many Christians as well.

Sadly, we are becoming a generation that is uninterested in history, uninterested in facts, and uninterested in reality. As a result we are constantly floundering as we seek some kind of identity, while all along we had one  through Jesus Christ and the gospel.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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