Jesus Heals 13 Year Old Boy Who Was Expected to Be Bedridden for Life
Feb 16, 2024 1060

Mahesh is a 13 year old boy from the village of Jonapadu, India. He had been sick since birth and had lung problems, but his parents are very poor and were unable to take him to any big hospitals. So they took him to affordable doctors and used medicines for years but they were no use. Day by day, Mahesh became weak and was unable to go to school or play in the house and spent a lot of the time sleeping on his bed.
One day I conducted a Gospel meeting in his village. His mother came to the meeting although she was Hindu and her son was also Hindu. I preached the Holy Gospel and spoke about Jesus raising the dead boy who was being carried out to be buried. Jesus had felt pity seeing the dead boy’s mother crying.
Mahesh’s mother heard this Gospel message very keenly and faithfully and she got faith in Jesus. After the Gospel meeting she came to me and asked me to pray for her son. Then I prayed and she asked me to come to her house. I went to her house and prayed over Mahesh and applied oil on his forehead and he got up from the bed and started happily speaking.
“I thought that I would die one day on the bed… It is Jesus who healed and did a big miracle in my life.”
After that Mahesh was healed by Jesus and he is healthy now. He has been working in the car mechanic shed for his family due to their poor economic condition. He was Hindu and his father and two sisters were also Hindu. His whole family were Hindu. But it is Jesus who did a great miracle for this boy and then the whole family accepted Jesus. Now all are so happy in Christ Jesus. Mahesh says,
It is Jesus who has healed me from the sickness. No doctor cured me. I thought that I would die one day on the bed. But my mother went to the Gospel meeting and heard about Jesus and invited Pastor to my house to pray over me. It is Jesus who healed and did a big miracle in my life. I am so thankful to Jesus all my life.
– Pr Joseph Usala
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