Just Be Still
Feb 9, 2018 1645
Just Be Still
Everyone is so busy these days, and it’s often our relationships that suffer first.
Our most important relationship should be the one we have with God.
But have you noticed how, the busier our society has become, belief in God has fallen away?
In the Bible, God tells us to “Be still and know that I am God.”
I think that one of the reasons why so many people don’t believe in God anymore is because they don’t stop for long enough to focus on anything important or meaningful in their lives. It’s not even that people don’t ask the questions that matter. Perhaps, even worse, they just don’t care anymore.
There are questions that are far too big for us to answer on our own – questions that have answers only in relationship with God. And the answers bring happiness and peace.
Remember: You need to just…. stop…. and…. be still…
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