Meaning in Life with God – by Desmond Ford

Apr 8, 2016 1879


Jesus commands us to believe. He says that if we do not believe, our hearts will be troubled. The future is going to be tough. Your heart may fail you for fear. Jesus says that in this world we will have tribulation. Yes, Christians are included. Christians fall sick. Christians have family troubles. But let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. “Believe in God, believe also in me.”

Why are you a believer? Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (1 Peter 3:15) Christian apologetics (or Christian evidences) falls into two categories: Natural revelation and Special revelation. Natural revelation is what our world and our universe tell us about God. You cannot really read natural revelation properly or well without special revelation-which is Scripture.

The main reason for unbelief ultimately, is that people only believe what they wish to believe. After all, a small eyelid can shut out the entire sun.

There was a man named Paley who lived centuries ago, a great favorite of mine. He said: If you walked in a desert and your foot kicked a stone, you would not think about it. But if it kicked a watch, you would get down and look at it. And you would marvel at it: the hard case to protect it, the glass so you could see, the proportionate moving of the hands. And when you took the back off and you saw the delicate mechanism and wheels and spring, you would say, “What a wonderful thing.” As you hold it in your hands, suddenly another watch springs out. You pick up the second watch and you look at it, and suddenly another one comes out.

Paley is arguing two things: Design and Fertility. The watch is not like a stone. It is designed. And in his illustration, it is fertile. The watch, of course, is a symbol of us. Why isn’t everything in nature sterile? Think of all the unending oak trees that are in one acorn. Why should it be so?

Without God, nothing has meaning. If you take God away, you have annihilated everything that is good in the universe. Every elevated joy of the mind, and every uplifting and ennobling love.

– Des Ford. John 16:33. Adapted from “The Miracle of Planet Earth, Vol 2.”

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