Michael the Prince Stands Up by Desmond Ford
- Bible
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- Dr Desmond Ford
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- Jesus
Sep 17, 2014 1861
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 1
The longest prophecy in the Bible is Daniel 10-12. It will help us understand a great mystery of Daniel 9-that the Messiah “shall have nothing.” This is the language of appearance, for at his death Christ destroyed sin, death, and the devil!
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 2
The longest prophecy in the Bible is Daniel 10-12, fortells a series of coming great conflicts, culminating in a final worldwide conflict. Antichrist will make war against God’s people. They will be delivered at last when Michael- Christ– stands up to intervene.
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 3
Daniel 9 foretold the Messiah who would build up God’s city-or church. The longest prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 10-12, tells about the Antichrist who will try to tear down God’s city, his church. Antichrist is described in symbolic language as a pseudo, shadow Messiah.
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 4
The language of the longest prophecy in the Bible, Daniel I 0-1 2, is often the language used in earlier chapters of Daniel. Daniel uses words from the fall of Babylon to describe future events. Antiochus Epiphanes, the king of the north, is a figure of the coming Antichrist
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 5
The clash between two kings foretold in the longest prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 10-12, is a last-day clash between Antichrist and materialistic philosophy. This will occur in response to the gospel going to all the world. Christ will then return to rescue his suffering saints, and to resurrect the righteous.
Michael the Prince Stands Up – 6
A story about Robert Fulghum helps us understand the distinction between problems and inconveniences. The longest prophecy in the Bible, Daniel 10-12 warns us that God’s people will suffer at the hands of the Antichrist. However, God Uses this to refine us – and Christ and the gospel lead us into true rest.
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