Mind Your Mind
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Jun 24, 2016 1716
Finally be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil… and take [receive, accept, or welcome] the helmet of salvation… (Eph. 6:10,11,17).
Spiritual wars are won or lost on the battlefield of our minds. The good news is that while there are battles of the mind to win, the war has already been won by Jesus Christ. God never calls you to battle without the assurance of victory. When you put on God’s armour you have supernatural protection tightly wrapped right around your head.
The mind is the domain of perception, of thinking, of making judgements and it is also the control panel of our feelings. It is the epicentre of our attitudes, convictions, desires, and values. Is it any wonder then that God offers us the invincible helmet of salvation by way of protection from the enemy who is a merchant of treachery and trickery with malicious intent?
If you have become a child of God by accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord, you have already been given safeguard and protection from the enemy’s attacks against your mind. So make sure you are wearing the helmet of salvation.
The assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ and Him alone is the only protection we have from being destroyed by doubts, lack of faith and self-reliance. “On Christ the solid rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” (from the hymn, My hope is built on nothing else).
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