More Letters from Africa

Jul 21, 2016 1312


tumblr_static_avatarLetters pour in from new brothers and sisters in Africa as GNU continues to spread word fast. Read the letters below and be encouraged in the Lord!


Wonderful greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Your broadcast on Radio East Africa gives me strength to continue in my Christian life. It has been a source of encouragement to me and to my community. Many from my community have been saved after listening so the GNU radio program. Our congregation often listens to you, and we pray for you daily.

In His glorious name,

Ben Makem
Kapkanai Village, Mt Elgon, Kenya



I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to the Almighty for the great things He has done in my life through your radio broadcast. I am glad to inform you that the messages aired on the new wavelength of Radio East Africa have been instrumental in changing my life. Please keep up the good work and I really appreciate your passion for lost souls.

In Jesus’ name,

Edith Gatroiri
Meru, Kenya



Dear Beloved,

The Grace and peace of the Lord be upon you! I am a local pastor of a small church here in the interior village.  I listen to your broadcast on Radio Africa in which you uncompromisingly share the Good News of Jesus. It has been a great blessing and source of encouragement to me, and I pray daily for you. Please if you see a good study Bible (KJV) of your choice send me a copy. It will be very useful to me towards my Bible study, teaching and preaching. Used copy is acceptable to me. Thanks for your help and kindness to me. Let me know when you get this letter. May God bless you richly.

Your brother in His service,

Pastor Okorie Mike Ezeh
Enugu State Nigeria



Dear Dr Gonzalez,

I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for your life and the manner He is using you to spread the word of salvation to all so as to reach the furthest corners of the world. God is has given me his righteousness and He is changing my life. May the peace of our Lord be with you.

I remain yours in Christ,

Elvis Kinyua
Meru, Kenya



Dear Dr Gonzalez,

May God give you faith that will help you continue to share his glorious name here in Kenya and continue to be a blessing to others. As a listener to the GNU radio show, your message has filled me with the joyful and rightful way to follow Christ. May your sincere quest for the lost sons of Christ be always blessed!

With Everlasting Love,

Boniface Mbaaru Mwangi
Mururweini Nyeri, Kenya



Hello Dr Gonzalez. I am very thankful for the opportunity to listen to the wonderful GNU program that lifts up people from a life of struggles to a simple life in Jesus Christ. Please continue broadcasting so as to save other souls. May God bless you.

Truly yours,

Peter Achidi
Gulu, Uganda



Dear Dr Eliezer Gonzalez,

Thank you very much for God’s good work, which through your ministry is being done in me and in the people in my home. Keep up that good spirit of educating us about the Gospel and may God richly bless you.


Joses Christa



Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am praying to the Almighty God for your ministry to continue with your noble work. Keep on pressing the world of God to all the nations. I would appreciate if you could send me some Christian magazines and Bibles for my youth group.

In Jesus name,

John K. Murimi
Chogoria, Kenya



Dear Dr Gonzalez,

Greetings and best wishes from Livingstone town, in Zambia. Livingstone is the home of the famous Victoria Falls. We thank God for making it possible for us to enter this year. May the name of the Lord be praised forevermore! I am glad that you are still on Radio East Africa proclaiming the Word of God to the people. I urge you to keep it up, we hear and appreciate the work you do. More in the next mail.

I remain yours in Christ,

Frederick Chaiwiha
Livingstone, Zambia



Dear Dr Gonzalez,

I take this opportunity of writing to you because I enjoy listening to your programmes on Radio East Africa. I am a young man who enjoys listening to Christian messages. I would like to grow in a Christian way of life. Please pray for me and my family. Looking forward to learning more from you.

Yours in Christ,

Chama Chama


I write this letter to thank you and to show my appreciation for the good work you are doing for the Lord. I am a born-again Christian longing for purity in my life and I desire to know more about God. Thank you for helping us to come close to the God of Jacob.

Rebecca Nassa
Mombasa, Kenya




Greetings in the Lord. I am a new listener, and I pray for the people who hear the Good News you preach in the radio. May we continue to seek His wisdom and strength and to be found faithful. We will give Almighty God the glory He deserves. May our Lord bless you even more than He already has. As a new listener, please send me a Bible and some helpful literature.

In Jesus’ holy name,

Paul Muthuri
Meru, Kenya



Greetings to you in Jesus’ holy name. May the good Lord continue to bless you as you spread the seed of Good News through your ministry. It is through the GNU radio show that we have got to know Jesus much better, and how He will always provide for our needs.

In Jesus’ holy name,

Florence Wairimu Mwangi
Mukurweini – Nyeri, Kenya

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