Your Radio Program Has Removed My Blindness!

Feb 2, 2017 2143

Your Radio Programme Has Removed My Blindness David Kayumba

Pr David Kayumba ready to baptise!

The “Whosoever Will radio program was started mid last year, broadcasting in Rwanda twice every week, and reaching people in Burundi, and parts of Uganda. This radio ministry is the initiative of the Great Invitation fellowship based in Brussels. We are a small fellowship affiliated with GNU, and the reason for this radio program, and we were inspired by the way that GNU has shared the Gospel with us and everywhere abroad.

Since last year, this radio programme has been the work of volunteers – people whose lives have been transformed by the Gospel and who are living in Brussels. We are Africans ourselves, immigrants and refugees. We do not have many resources, but the grace of God we have funded this initiative ourselves as our contribution to the work of God.

When we started this program we created a WhatsApp and Facebook study group and we have since registered more than 100 listeners in our study group. Their feedback, which has ranged from expression of gratitude, surprise, questions and comments, has led us to realize their great need for a clear gospel message. Many of them have been surprised by how they have suffered needlessly in their search for peace with God.

Kanyandakwe from Burundi, who is a refugee living in the refugee camp, said,

I thank you for your presentations because they removed my blindness. I have been in total confusion and lacked awareness of my greatest need. This program is helping many people in this refugee camp. Please send us the audio so that we can share it with others.

Charlotte from Rwanda said:

 Your messages are very different from what we have been hearing. This program has helped me greatly in finding the way out of legalism. Continue helping us understand the Bible.

Pr Ubarijoro Eric from Rwanda said,

This is the true Gospel of Jesus. We are, truly free by grace alone.

When we started this ministry we intended to present the Gospel in the clearest terms so that it would comfort the uncomfortable, discomfort the comfortable, challenge falsehood and raise questions. We encourage those listeners who are not Christians to attend a faith community where the Gospel is preached. Our listeners who were already Christians are surprised to learn that we encourage them to remain in their churches and serve in their own faith communities.

Annet Karuhanga from Rwanda said:

I am a church member, but I have never heard the kind of the message I heard tonight. I felt a great joy to know that all that was needed for my salvation was paid before I was born. I want to be established in this truth.

Kandama from Mozambique said:

 Finally I give up my stubbornness and pride that has been keeping me stuck in hopelessness. I have seen this simple truth of the cross of Jesus and its glorious achievement for me. I am now ready for my Lord’s return.

These are just a few of the many messages we receive from listeners. This kind of feedback keeps us going in the great work of announcing the Good News. We seek the total liberation of those who do not have a knowledge of the Gospel It is not always easy to do this, but we continue to see the hand of God touching many. – Pr David Kayumba

Note from Eliezer Gonzalez, CEO of Good News Unlimited:

David Kayumba and his team started this radio initiative entirely by themselves, under the inspiration of God. With great sacrifice they have funded it until now. David didn’t even tell me until recently. I know these people. They have very little. They want no credit; instead, they want only to serve. I praise God for their faithfulness, and I thank you for partnering with GNU so that we can support more initiatives like this around the world in the future.

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