How Saroja Found Jesus After Being Robbed When She Was Homeless

Feb 16, 2024 1054

How Saroja Found Jesus After Being Robbed When She Was Homeless

Saroja is a 55 year old woman who has been begging in the streets and bus stand areas. She had no place to sleep so in the nights she would find a place at the bus stops in the town where no one sleeps and there she would sleep. She daily begged and whatever money she got begging she kept with her.

One night a man went to her and demanded she give him all the money she had. He told her if she did not, he would kill her. She was afraid and she gave him all the money she had. So she started crying and she did not know what to do. She left and went to the village where our GNU church is.

“It is Jesus who led me to the GNU church and saved me and gave me shelter and a place to stay.”

One day when I conducted a Gospel preaching meeting in the village, she heard the Holy Gospel about Jesus and she got faith and trusted in Jesus. She came to me and shared with me everything that had happened in her life. Then I prayed for her and told her to watch the GNU TV Programme and asked her to stay at the Good News Old Age Home. She happily stayed there. She has accepted Jesus into her life and she is so happy in Christ Jesus.

She has no one and no sons and daughters. She is alone. Her village also is very far away and she wants to remain at the Good News Old Age Home and pray and learn more about Jesus. While she was begging she used to fall sick and she was not fully well due to lack of food, water and other things. After coming to the Good News Old Age Home she has no health problems and Jesus saved her and healed her from all the sicknesses and made her so happy. She says,

I was homeless and no one was there in my life. I was begging in the streets and bus stand areas. But it is Jesus who led me to the GNU church and saved me and gave me shelter and a place to stay. Now I am so happy in Christ Jesus. I am so thankful to Jesus who has given me new life.

– Pr Joseph Usala

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