This Too Shall Pass

Dec 23, 2014 2650

By Des Ford

sunrise_over_forest-773970We should see Calvary as the climax but not the conclusion, in order to know that none of our troubles are an end in themselves and neither shall they last forever.

Our Lord enjoyed fellowship and feasting on Thursday night. Part of that occasion was joyous singing. Then came Gethsemane, the Trials, and Calvary.

But Calvary was not the end. Easter Sunday follows Black Friday. The glorified body replaces the wounded corpse. The mountain of ascension succeeds the valley of suffering, and a crown of glory replaces the crown of thorns.

The old platitude “This too shall pass” is ever relevant. An old unschooled saint at a testimony meeting said his favourite verse was, “And it came to pass”. When questioned as to why he esteemed this passage so highly. he replied, “When troubles come. I say, “Praise the Lord. Dis thing ain’t come to stay, but to pass.”

It is true, troubles are not eternal – they only seem so. As in certain inclement climates, the natives say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes”, it is even so in climates inclement to the soul.

Thomas a Kempis declared. “My son, regard not thy feelings. For whatsoever they be now, they will shortly be changed into another thing.” All this was true even for Christ.

Christ’s sufferings on the cross lasted six hours, then came sleep, followed by a glorious awakening. We, too, must see the resurrection as a sacrament as real as Calvary, testifying to sorrow’s ultimate fruitfulness.

– Des Ford. Rom 8:27–32 (From “The Mark of the Cross”)

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