Step/Week 1, Day 4 – Denial and Powerlessness: Removing the Mask

May 6, 2020 2457

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 1 Day 4 – Denial and Powerlessness Removing the Mask

“They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of destructive habits” (2 Pet. 2:19, GNT).

Denial often converts to feelings of shame and guilt. But imagine life without shame, pain, and guilt? How good would that be?

Be very wary of those who are false teachers. Those people who seem to have it all together, know the answers to your problems, especially your addictions and are yet, themselves, just as addicted as you are. They wear multiple masks to fool everyone. Don’t be fooled, led down the wrong path or ignore the warning signs. Listen to God and His Word!

Physical pain is God’s way of saying, “go to the doctor and get that headache checked before that tumour kills you”. It’s part of God’s great design at creation. He put all defence mechanisms in our bodies in such an intricate way, that it is a marvel to behold. When we have a problem, we can be sure our bodies will let us know. We just need to be aware and act upon any warning signs.

Shame and guilt act in the same way when we are damaging our souls or spirit. Morality would be non-existent without these mechanisms. But it’s healthy to see them as they are. A warning system. What would happen if the smoke alarm in your bedroom kept going off and you ignored it? You would probably die. Shame and guilt will have the same effect. Don’t be fooled, ignorance can be a killer.

Anything psychological that is not dealt with will become physiological or lead to a pain-masking addiction that will only deepen the cycle. Jesus Christ is the Remedy to what can kill us. If what we know about Jesus is true, then He already knows what’s behind the mask we’re wearing, and He is not repulsed by that. Why do we fear what others may see when we take off our masks then? We need to see ourselves as God sees each one of us—His beloved sons and daughters. That’s a beautiful picture to behold, and remember, God never wastes a hurt, ever.

– Graham Hood 

Personal Reflection: What is that nagging alarm in your life trying to tell you or warn you about? Are you wearing a mask of shame and guilt? Take the mask off and ask God to let you experience the immense love He has for you. Ask Him to take away your shame and guilt. Ask God to give you wisdom to discern all teaching and to illuminate any falsehood with His truth.

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