Step/Week 10, Day 1 – Crossroads and Daily Inventory: Is Everything Okay?
May 6, 2020 954
“So be careful. If you are thinking, ‘Oh, I would never behave like that’—let this be a warning to you. For you too may fall into sin” (1Cor. 10:12, TLB).
You’ve come a long way in your recovery at this point in time. You’ve been on a journey like no other, but the journey doesn’t end here, it continues, daily. I want you to just take a moment and think back to the day you started the recovery process. Do you realise how far you have come? How many changes has God done in your life to this point in time? Are you seeing the amazing transformation He is doing within you?
Like most journeys you go on, you’ll have to make some decisions to what direction you want to take to get to your ultimate destination. At this stage in your recovery, you could say that you’re at a “crossroads”, a place where you’ll visit daily as you work to make the right choices in your life. You’ll need to ask the question: “Is everything okay with me today?” You might wish to ask this question on a daily basis. Let me explain why that is.
Today’s verse provides you with a warning. As I mentioned earlier, you’ve probably come a great distance in personal achievement since you started on the path to recovery. But here’s the point. You’re not to think that you’ve made it. You’ve made it to this point, but you could so easily fall back into your “old ways”. If you start to think: “I’ve made it!” or “I could never go back to the way I used to live”, be very careful, because you really need to work at staying on the right path. Recovery is a lifelong journey.
This is where taking a daily inventory could come in handy. You can review your day, write down the good and bad things that happened, if you need to make an amends, do it soon. This constant, daily evaluation of your life will keep you grounded, so that you may not “fall into sin”.
– Graham Hood
Personal Reflection: Thank God for bringing you to this point in your recovery. Ask Him to help you stay grounded in His Word and teachings. Cultivate a habit of reviewing each day, so that you can evaluate your progress. Make any amends you need to.
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