Step/Week 12, Day 7 – Give and Yes: Serve Others

May 6, 2020 1446

Life Recovery Devotions StepWeek 12 Day 7 – Give and Yes Serve Others

“And since I, the Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow: do as I have done to you” (Jn. 13:14-15, TLB).

I was an addict while attending church. Shocking, I know, but in my experience not uncommon. So, I had to wear my different masks very well. To keep people from knowing the real me. I was constantly living a lie, keeping people out of my life.

Once I started on my journey to recovery, my masks were uncovered. I had to give them up and reveal the “real” me—the addict. My pride was always getting in the way, because I feared what people would think of me and how they would react to me when they found out I was a recovering addict. But you know what? My misconceived perceptions were wrong. People didn’t treat me any differently than before, in fact I think I grew closer to those people I allowed to accompany me on my road to recovery.

Being fully recovered from my addictions, I soon realised the necessity for me to serve others. To share the message of hope of the Good News of Jesus Christ, to share my testimony (when given the opportunity). I am drawn to those people who are struggling with addictions, because I’ve been in that place.

In today’s verses, we read about what happened when Jesus washed His disciple’s feet. You see, He has “given you an example to follow”. If the Son of God didn’t feel above others that He couldn’t bend the knee and wash those dirty, smelly feet, then what excuse have you got?

I’m not specifically talking about washing feet, but about what attitude you can cultivate to want to serve others. Jesus is the Servant King; He is royalty and yet He served others willingly. He wants you to do the same and learn from His example, to “do as I have done to you”. That’s the marker you’re aiming for and He will help you achieve that, just like the many other things He has helped you achieve in the past, as you journeyed with Him to experience a full and complete recovery! Praise Him for all things!

– Graham Hood 

Prayer: Father God, I have journeyed for 12 weeks through this series of recovery devotionals. Thank You for journeying with me. Thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. Thank You for setting me free from my addictions. You have done the miracle! My gratitude overflows to You. I pray, that as I continue to journey onwards, one day at a time, that You will help me to nurture my relationship that I have with You. Give me a new passion for Your Word. Help me to serve others with the love, care and support that You have shown me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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