Straight Paths

Aug 29, 2015 3054

“… in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Prov 3:6).

How often are you consumed by the desire to know God’s will for your life? This is a very important question when we are at key decision-points in our lives, such as when choosing a life partner. Seeking to do God’s will is important, so that our decisions can be blessed by God. But how healthy is it to try to precisely pinpoint God’s will in every decision – in big decisions and in little ones? Perhaps it is true that we can only understand God’s overarching plan when we look back. For some faithful Christians, it may never seem to come together this side of eternity.
The way to know God’s will for your life is to know that he has a will for your life. In other words, the most important this is not to actually know God’s will, but to surrender to it. Often, the energy we spend trying to know God’s would be better spent committing ourselves totally to Christ.

Following God’s will is not just something that happens. We must prepare in every way – including in terms of our spirit development, our finances, and our skills and education – to be used by God. In other words our time and abilities and resources must be dedicated to God.

When you surrender to God’s will, he will lead you through the pathways of life in a way that honours him, according to his will. This means that you will naturally do what God wants you to do, even without knowing it. This is what the Bible means when it says, “in all your ways submit to him,
 and he will make your paths straight” (Prov 3:6). When you do this, God may take you down some pretty strange paths at times, but they will be straight paths, and I would rather walk in straight paths rather than crooked paths. They will be paths that are according to his will. Your decisions will be blessed by God. And even if you decided differently, that alternate decision will still be blessed by God.

No matter the course of your life, its twists and turns, its highlights and lowlights, only eternity will reveal to you how your life fitted into the grand universal mosaic of God’s love. For now we will simply trust in God and serve Him.

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