A Strong Tower
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- Tom Durst
Oct 1, 2014 3876
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous man runs into it and is safe. – Prov 18:10, ESV
by Tom Durst
The name of the Lord, an expression used throughout scripture, is a metaphor pointing to His power, strength and authority. His name, power, and authority are ABOVE everything else. He reigns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords in heavenly places.
There is a human tendency to look to human remedies and to people for help instead of going to Him for help as a first resort instead of as a last resort (see Jeremiah 17:5-8). In seeking for human help so quickly we often sell our heavenly inheritance very cheaply.
God promised Abraham a son when it was humanly impossible for this to happen. When human efforts went sour Abraham finally turned wholly to God and His word with all of His heart and the child was born just as God had promised (read Romans 4:15-25).
Each of us must pray for wisdom and strength to meet the challenges and issues of everyday life and it will surely be given (see James 1:5).
Tom Durst. Used with permission from his Live Journal.
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