The Anaesthetised Life
Mar 1, 2022 2419
Radio Version:
The Anaesthetised Life
After I hit 40 I realised that you start growing bits on you that you don’t really need. So recently I had a mole removed and the doctor injected the excision site with a local anaesthetic. I didn’t feel anything other than some gentle stretching and scratching.
I’m sure that many of us have been administered anaesthesia at some point in our lives. And I’m pretty glad they invented the stuff.
But most of us spend large chunks of our time allowing our society to anaesthetise us. Really just stop and think about it for a moment. How long do you spend on social media? Playing mindless games on your digital device? Watching entertainment? Need I go on?
For brief periods of time you manage to break free but too often the enemy steals your joy, kills your dreams and destroys your soul.
What God wants is for you to wake up and live a real life, not a life anaesthetised by the world.
Remember, Jesus says “I am the way, the truth and the life.”

What God wants is for you to wake up and live a real life, not a life anaesthetised by the world.
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