The Best Financial Advise You’ll Ever Get
May 18, 2021 1117
The Best Financial Advise You’ll Ever Get
Have you ever been to one of those free investment seminars in which they promise to reveal to you the secrets of how to get rich quick?
I must confess to you that I have, and more than one!
They always end with a big sales pitch to buy the books, or enrol in the masterclass, or to get personally mentored. There’s someone getting rich at these events, and it’s usually not you!
Here is the best investment advice you will ever receive, straight from the teachings of Jesus in his famous Sermon on the Mount.
So, here’s my summary of God’s financial advice:
God already knows what you need;
Don’t run after material things;
Put the things that God cares about first; and
When you do that, God will give you what you need.
You know what? God doesn’t get commissions or kickbacks. His advice really is the best for you.
Remember: God is the best financial advisor.
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