The Great Recycler

May 18, 2021 1173

The Great Recycler

The Great Recycler

In some places, when you have rubbish, like a glass bottle, you can take it to a recycling centre, hand it in and you get some money in return. And what was worthless now has value.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was some great machine into which you could just throw the rubbish of your life, and something good could come out of the other end.

Well, there is! The word that Christians have for it is “redemption.”  What it means is that God doesn’t take away the rubbish of your life. Instead, he claims it as his, and he transforms it into something beautiful.

God often saves us through our trouble, and not from our trouble.

Jesus himself wasn’t spared the cross. Instead, God turned it into the most beautiful and glorious outpouring of love that is still saving and transforming lives today.

So, hand the rubbish of your life to Jesus.

Remember: He is the great recycler.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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