The Trappings of Christianity

Jun 5, 2018 1887

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The Trappings of Christianity

Years ago, when I was in business, I travelled the world raising capital for various businesses I was involved with. I was told that to be successful in Asia, the most important thing was to look the part. So, I would stay in an expensive hotel for a day or two during key meetings, and I wore a fake designer watch. I was never really comfortable about that.

In the past, fake Christians have been a factor in turning people against Christianity itself.

When Jesus was crucified, his clothes were divided into four shares, and then the soldiers gambled for his robe.

I wonder what the man who won it thought? Did he go home feeling a winner?

While the Son of God died in agony for the sins of the world, the soldiers squabbled over the trappings. That was their focus, but it shouldn’t be ours.

Remember, the externals of Christianity can never substitute for the real thing – Jesus Christ.

Eliezer Gonzalez

trappings of Christianity The Trappings of Christianity

The externals of Christianity can never substitute for the real thing – Jesus Christ.

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