The Unmissable Gospel Of The Lamb
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- New Testament
Apr 7, 2016 1609
Behold the Lamb of God who takes away all sin. (John 1:29)
There is an unmissable Gospel message, direct from the Old Testament. The sacrificial system was incredibly detailed and particular as to the nature and the state of the sacrifice brought to the priest for the forgiveness of sins by the congregation of Israel. The lamb brought by the sinner had to be absolutely spotless, without any blemish and perfect in every way. As Christian believers, we know only too well that this spotless lamb represented Jesus, the innocent and perfect Lamb of God.
But here’s the unmissable point that for so long I had overlooked. I had missed the heart, the soul and the sweetest news intended by the sacrificed lamb:
When an Israelite brought a lamb to the priest, the attention switched completely from the sinner to the lamb – the lamb, and not the sinner became the sole focus of attention and examination. Was the lamb perfect in every way? Did it fulfill all the requirements to be a worthy sacrifice? Was it without fault?
If the lamb was perfect and acceptable then the bringer, the guilty walked back to the camp free of all wrong, forgiven of all sin, declared innocent. The lamb took the brunt of his/her wrong. The lamb paid the highest price to redeem the guilty from sin.
Praise God! When I accept Jesus, God’s attention is completely and utterly on the Lamb. I am no longer under scrutiny, I am forgiven, cleansed, declared innocent, declared worthy to reign with Him for eternity. Good News? May your heart rejoice and skip a beat as you skip back home a free man and a free woman. Allow the Holy Spirit to witness to your spirit that in Jesus Christ you ARE a child of God and an heir to the kingdom!
I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you. (Is 44:22).
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