Thoughts on Spirituality

Nov 4, 2014 2983

by Tom Durst

Drop of waterSpirituality has become little more than a popular buzz word today that means just about anything people want to make it mean.

In this age of very shallow thinking and lack of depth that is driven mostly by electronic devices we have words like “religion” and “spirituality” that have been emptied of anything really meaningful for most people.  Some folks don’t even know the difference between “spirituality” and “spiritualISM” which was a movement that centered on communication with the dead that basically got launched in modern times with the mysterious rappings that the Fox sisters started to hear in the mid 19th century.  You can look up “spiritualism” on Wikipedia for the historic details.

Unless we enter into a living experience with our God life will be empty of meaning and purpose.  Interestingly the rate of suicide has risen considerably in recent years.  Electronic gadgets with all of their time consuming information overload do not satisfy the deepest needs of the human heart.  I do everything that I possibly can to encourage people to “draw near to God.”

True satisfaction and fulfillment are to be found ONLY in God.  In the midst of all of this flummery and foolish talk about religion and spirituality a genuine walk with God has gotten lost by the wayside.

– Tom Durst (Used with permission)

Tom may be reached through his personal website.

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