Unlimited: As You Look To Jesus, You Will Be Changed

Jul 20, 2020 1689

Unlimited: As You Look To Jesus, You Will Be Changed

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2, NKJV).

The two doctrinal ills in the matter of salvation are legalism and antinomianism. The former teaches that we must be good in order to be saved. The latter teaches that being saved, we can do as we like.

Both of these are erroneous. God accepts us just as we are. The legalism in the New Testament was not the belief that we are saved by works, but that we are saved by faith and works. In reality, we are saved by faith alone, though the faith that saves is never alone.

Neither does sanctification come by looking to self. There we find only insufficiency, inadequacy and sin. We are saved by looking to the Saviour. For every look at your wounds of sin, give ten looks to the Great Physician. Whatever gets our attention gets us. Whatever we hold in the mind passes into action.

If the Christian continually keeps his sin and failures and mistakes in his mind, he will sin and make more and more mistakes. But if Christ is pre-eminent in the Christian’s thinking, then he will grow more and more like his Master, so that,

We all with open face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are changed into the same image from glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3: 18).

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: In your own life, do you tend to look to your own sin, or to Jesus? Do you have a favourite worship song or hymn which has lyrics that points you to Jesus? Write out a verse from that song that is particularly meaningful to you. Copy it several times and put it around your home in places where you will find it. When you do find it, sing the song!

Help Spread the Good News

Elaine Nui

Aug 1, 2020

Wonderful Savior indeed

Mike Maliyamungu

Jul 23, 2020

Very reviving message for me

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